
This website was created for my ENC 1102 Research Paper on the short story “Hills Like White Elephants” by Ernest Hemingway.



…….”Hills Like White Elephants” was first published in Paris in transition magazine (spelled with a lower-case t) in August 1927. In October of the same year, Scribner’s published it in New York as part of a Hemingway short-story collection, Men Without Women.  Hemingway wrote the story soon after the publication of his 1926 novel, The Sun Also Rises, while living in Paris.  He was embraced by the expatriate literary community in Paris and received strong reviews on his work in the United States and abroad. Although he continued to write novels and stories throughout his career, the early short stories are often considered to be among his finest works. ‘‘Hills Like White Elephants,’’ a widely anthologized and much-discussed story, offers a glimpse at the spare prose and understated dialogue that represents Hemingway’s mastery of style.

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