Annotated Bibliography


Arp, Thomas. Literature: Structure, Sound, and Sense. 9th Ed. Boston, MA: Michael Rosenberg Publisher, 2006. Print. Pages 268-273

This is where I read the short story Hills Like White Elephants. It is five pages long, with a page of discussion questions at the end of the story. It was written by Ernest Hemingway and was published in this book for college students to read.

Wikipedia. Hills Like White Elephants. Web. 24 February 2011.

– Wikipedia helped me understand the meaning of the short story Hill Like White Elephants. It gave me good understanding of the plot and the setting. Also helping me understand the symbolism behind the story.

Hills Like White Elephants–Literary Analysis. 2 October 2006. Web. 24 February 2011.

– This website assisted me in getting a further understanding of the storyline. It broke down each paragraph, and made a clear analysis, which made more sense to me then just having read the story alone.

How to Prepare an Annotated Bibliography. 1 April 2011. Web. 24 February 2011.

– This website helped me write my annotated bibliography. It broke down each step in the process of how to write one. And it gave examples of different formats such as APA or MLA.

Hills Like White Elephants. YouTube, 24 February 2009. Web. 15 February 2011.

– This video is a ten minute skit of the short story Hills Like White Elephants. It plays out the whole story, which is pretty accurate. I would not only watch this video to  get the understanding of the story, but it goes hand in hand when you read story and watch the video. 

Hills Like White Elephants Summary & Study Guide. Web. 15 February 2011.

– E Notes was very helpful with helping me find out when the story was first written and published. It gave another clear understanding of the plot and setting. With the amount of information given, which was not very much, it was a big help. 

  Wikipedia. Ernest Hemingway. Web. 15 February 2011.

– This bibliography of Ernest Hemingway’s life covered everything from his birth to death. It had great details of everything that went on in his life, along with great pictures. It really gave me a good grasp on the author’s life and background.

A Literary Criticism of Hills Like White Elephants. Web. 18 February 2011.

This is a link for one of the critics I used that was unknown.

The Hemingway Review. Fall 2003. Web. 18 February 2011.

This is a link for one of the critics I used, which was Nilofer Hashmi.

Literary Analysis: Hills like White Elephants, by Ernest Hemingway. 17 June 2008. Web. 18 February 2011.

This is a link for one of the critics I used, which was Oscar Trejo Jr.

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